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Dünyanın en zor üç mesleği hakkında İngilizce bilgi verir misiniz?

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* Dünyanın en zor üç mesleği hakkında İngilizce bilgi verir misiniz? *

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Bize göre dünyanın en zor üç mesleğini seçtik ve bu üç meslek hakkında bilgiler vermeye çalıştık. Madenci, doktor ve öğretmenlik meslekleri hakkında ingilizce bilgileri aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.

Miner (Madenci)

miner is a person who extracts ore, coal, or other minerals from the earth through mining. There are two conceptions as to what this includes. In its narrowest understanding, “miners” are solely those persons who work at the face cutting, blasting, or otherwise working and removing the rock. In the broader understanding, a “miner” also includes any other laborer working within a mine, not just working the rock itself. This article will consider this broader concept.

There have been miners since humans first began mining. In regions with a long mining tradition, many communities have developed cultural traditions and aspects specific to the various regions, in the forms of particular equipment, symbolism, music, and the like.

Şili (14.10.2012 - Chuquicamata bakır madeni)
Şili (14.10.2012 – Chuquicamata bakır madeni)


Different miners have different roles in the working of a mine, depending on the type of mine, its operations, and the point in time and technology, as well as the qualifications of the individual miner. Many of the roles are specific to a type of mining, such as to coal mining. Roles considered to be “miners” in the narrower concept have included:

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  • Hewer (also known as “breaker” or “pickman”), whose job was to hew the rock.
    • Collier, a hewer who hews coal with a pick.
  • Driller, who works a rock drill to bore holes for placing dynamite or other explosives.

Other laborer roles within mines that did not involve breaking rock (and thus fit the broader definition of miner) have included:

  • Loader (also called a “bandsman”), who loads the mining carts with coal at the face.
  • Putter (also known as a “drags-man”), who works the carts around the mine
  • Barrow-man, who transported the broken coal from the face in wheelbarrows.
  • Hurrier, who transported coal carts from a mine to the surface
  • Timberer, who fashions and installs timber supports to support the walls and ceiling in an underground mine

In addition to miners, other number of other laborers work on the surface for the mining operation:

  • Brakesman, who operate the winding engine.
  • Breaker boy, who breaks coal.

Doctor-Physician (Doktor-Hekim)

physician is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human healththrough the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. They may focus their practice on certain disease categories, types of patients, or methods of treatment – known as specialist medical practitioners – or assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals, families, and communities – known as general practitioners. Medical practice properly requires both a detailed knowledge of the academic disciplines (such as anatomy and physiology) underlying diseases and their treatment – the science of medicine – and also a decent competence in its applied practice – the art or craft of medicine.

Both the role of the physician and the meaning of the word itself vary around the world, including a wide variety of qualifications and degrees, but there are some common elements. For example, the ethics of medicine require that physicians show consideration, compassion and benevolence for their patients.

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Teacher (Öğretmen)

teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. These professional qualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the science of teaching. Teachers, like other professionals, may have to continue their education after they qualify, a process known as continuing professional development. Teachers may use a lesson plan to facilitate student learning, providing a course of study which is called the curriculum.

A teacher’s role may vary among cultures. Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training,the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills.

A teacher who facilitates education for an individual may also be described as a personal tutor, or, largely historically, a governess.

In some countries, formal education can take place through home schooling. Informal learning may be assisted by a teacher occupying a transient or ongoing role, such as a family member, or by anyone with knowledge or skills in the wider community setting.

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Religious and spiritual teachers, such as gurus, mullahs, rabbis, pastors/youth pastors and lamas, may teach religious texts such as theQuran, Torah or Bible.

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